Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Hot and hairy!

I changed the original content of this post, thought it was ungrateful, so now I'm just gonna ask a question. Why do they take the most ghetto street in the city and rename it Martin Luther King Boulevard?? Why? I don't get it, in the city up the freeway from me they changed the name of what was, literally, the hood and changed it to MLK Blvd. Isn't that disrespectful? Or is it to "turn around" the perception of the occupants that live there to take some pride and fix up their neighborhood? These MLK Blvd's go for miles too, like through many neighborhoods which ironically are all in the ghetto. I have nothing against the hood, shit I'm from a few but I just wonder the MLK connection and if anyone thought it was disrespectful? I wouldn't want my name plastered all over the area where you can drugs and pussy at the same time!! I have yet to be on an MLK Blvd that wasn't ghetto. Just saying. TGD

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